Infamous Flowers

Wait for U x Future

trophied in a soul tie,

Jamaican in the blood—


a crutch. Jason,

a curse—

the world has ended

three times over…

the dust clears

figured in your

love. eyes melting

in a poem too beautiful to sketch—

the ink just drips

outside your silhouette.

a chiseled face

meets round lips, head


a brain

manic enough to work for me—magic

enough to pull me whole

all while juggling lives, dressing

finely in flowers—

I’m convinced

roses open up

to smell you, wondering

why my soul calls your name.

& when I calculate the price paid

for a broken woman—

I’m too cheap

Adam’s ain’t enough

but a man’s will

can balance pens & needles. Jason,

I love you

both black & blue. Jason

you make me want to pull

impossible from my womb. Jason

you’re the only mystery

I’d dwell in—

Tam xx


Broken Girl, Fixed World

